EEXI – Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index

EEXI implementation

The attained EEXI must be calculated for the individual ship, which fall under the regulation. The required EEXI value is the maximum acceptable attained EEXI value. The required EEXI value is determined by the ship type, the ship’s capacity and principle of propulsion. Hence, a ship which is subject to the attained EEXI value is not necessarily subject to the required EEXI value. The individual applicability of EEXI is illustrated in DNV’s Compliance Planner. The EEXI will also apply to newer vessels that already have an EEDI value. However, if the attained EEDI value is equal to or less than the required EEXI value, the attained EEDI value may be used as an alternative to the attained EEXI value, so that the attained EEXI value does not have to be calculated. Considering the different scenarios, all of which will eventually lead to a new IEE Certificate, it is important that you check the applicable scenario for your individual ship.

In case you are interested in showing early compliance you might be interested in voluntary statements. More information on voluntary statements can be found here.



EEXI Digital Self-Service

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EEXI Advisory Services

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